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Winnipeg High School Golf Rules and Etiquette.pdf


Winnipeg High School Game Sheet


Match Play Format: The team with the best individual score on a hole wins the hole. If teams tie on a hole, no wins are recorded for that hole. The team with the greatest number of wins on the front-nine gets one point. The team with the greatest number of wins on the back-nine gets one point. If each team has the same number of points on the front (back), then each team gets ½ point. Finally, a third point is awarded to the team with the most wins over 18 holes. For each match, three points in total will be awarded.
Number of Players: Each team will have four players on each competition day. It is up to the coach to decide whether the top two and bottom two are paired or if the teams are mixed.
Rounds Location & Times: Play will take place at John Blumberg G.C and Tuxedo G.C on Tuesdays and Thursdays approximately from the last week of April until the first week of June (specific dates and times to follow).
Stats and Schedule will be maintained at http://winnipeghighschoolgolf.pbworks.com/.
Round Supervisors: Each team will be responsible for supervising competition, the number of times will be based on the number of teams in each division. If you are supervising competition you are expected to have a supervisor at the golf course for the duration of the matches. A golf cart will be provided so that you can "marshall" the matches.
At the beginning of the matches supervisors will...
1. Ensure all teams are present.
2. Record all competitors onto the game sheet and every team has a score card. Each team should record scores/points for both their team and their opponents. Therefore each foursome will require 2 cards.
3. Ensure all competitors get off the opening tee in a timely manner.
During matches...
1. "Marshall" the matches and ensure that competitors maintain an appropriate pace.
2. Clarify any rules, regulations, and etiquette.
At the completion of the evening supervisors will...
1. Collect all scorecards, 2 per match.
2. Complete the game sheet and email it to gwoodhall@pembinatrails.ca or fax it to 896-5492 Attn: Gord
Supervison schedule can be found on the downloadable schedule.
Team Size: Teams can consist of five or more golfers, but only four will golf on each competition day – the coach chooses which four based on their opponent from match to match.
Playoffs: Golfers need to participate in at least 50% of the matches to be eligible for the playoffs.
Regarding Scoring and Score Cards (May 6th, 2008)
First, it is very important that Supervisors have teams fill out both first and last names on the score cards, this will allow us to ensure that come playoff time the participants will have played enough games to qualify.
Second, both teams should keep score of their team score as well as their opponents, as a result, each group should provide the supervisors with 2 completed score cards. This will ensure that scoring is correct.
Regarding Supervising (May 12th, 2008)
To maintain consistency, a game sheet has been created to aid Supervisors in recording and reporting results. The game sheet can be downloaded from the link provided below. Supervisors need to record both first name and last name to provide a record of the number of starts a player has during the course of the season, keeping in mind that players must start at least 3 matches to be eligible for the playoffs.

Winnipeg High School Golf Game Sheet.doc


In the Event of Tie in Playoff Competition (June 4th, 2008)
1st Tie Breaker - Each team will choose one player (from their team of 4) to compete in sudden death extra holes. If after 3 holes or dusk (whichever comes first) the match is still tied see 2nd Tie Breaker.
2nd Tie Breaker - Win goes to the team with the most overall hole wins over the total 18 holes.
3rd Tie Breaker - Win goes to the team who won the head-to-head match ups.


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